
Temiz Enerjiye Giden Kirli Yol: Ormanı Yutan Maden
Avrupa’nın yeşil enerji devriminin ceremesini Türkiye’nin küçük bir orman köyü çekiyor. Manisa Gördes’te Zorlu Holding’e ait Meta Nikel Madeni el değmemiş asırlık ormanları ve bölgenin su havzasını yok ediyor. Yaşam …
02 September 2024 | Gördes, Turkey
Bir köy nasıl yok olur?
Bundan on yıl önce, Melen Barajı Projesi İstanbul’a su temin etmek uğruna binlerce insanı evlerinden etti. Gecikmelerle boğuşan proje halen tamamlanmış değil.
28 August 2024 |
Village of the Dammed
Ten years ago, Turkey's Melen Dam project evicted thousands from their homes to provide water to Istanbul. It remains mired in delays.
22 August 2024 | Ortaköy, Turkey
War Turns Odesa’s Black Sea Green
Once a sanctuary for Odesa locals, Lanzheron Beach is now suffering the ecological impacts a year after the Kakhovka dam catastrophe
26 June 2024 | Ukraine
Peace Before Empire
The plague of nostalgia for Russia’s lost empire continues to destroy Ukraine. But not all former colonisers cause so much suffering. Anna Nemtsova was in Portugal for the 50th anniversary …
17 June 2024 | Personal Essay
An Unquenchable Thirst
A 40-year free-for-all on water in the “Garden of Europe” has led Spain’s Almeria to the brink of catastrophe
08 January 2024 | Photographs by Ian Howorth
Black Trail: a film
A documentary on how shipping pollutes the planet, avoids taxes, dodges regulations, & gets away with it.
30 April 2021 | Europe
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Black Trail
The shipping industry is a massive climate polluter. Is it committed to change?
30 April 2021 | Europe
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"Football is untouchable"
Rui Pinto, the face of Football Leaks, has spent the last nine months in prison. He is charged with 147 crimes.
20 December 2019 | Lisbon
Zehir Vadisi
Küresel sanayinin Türkiye’nin en yeşil ilçelerinden birini yaşanmaz hale getirişinin hikâyesi
11 October 2019 | Türkiye
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Life in the Valley
For more than three decades, the residents of Dilovası, in Turkey, have lived under the destructive boot of industry
27 September 2019 | Turkey
The Toxic Valley
How global industry turned a once green Turkish province into an environmental wasteland.
27 September 2019 | Turkey
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Football Leaks in Cross-Border Legal Battle
Football Leaks whistleblower Rui Pinto faces extradition to his home country of Portugal, following a criminal complaint by a secretive Kazakh family
08 March 2019 | Budapest, Bucharest
Salvini Photo by Mladen ANTONOV : AFP: Guliver Confindustria Russia, the local branch of the General Confederation of Italian Industry in Moscow on October 17, 2018 .jpg
Стал известен план по передаче нескольких миллионов евро из России правящей партии Италии “Лига”
Новая книга утверждает, что люди, близкие к правящим кругам России и Италии, спланировали вывести три миллиона евро из государственной энергетической сделки, чтобы профинансировать предвыборную кампанию партии “Лига”.
23 February 2019 | Италия
The Cypriot Deception
Referees reveal how they fix off-season football matches in Cyprus
19 November 2018 | Cyprus, Romania
The Fund Always Wins
Besiktas used the Mendes-connected Quality Football fund to purchase Hugo Almeida in 2011, presenting it as a golden deal. But the club would soon learn that there is no such …
16 November 2018 | Turkey
Jorge Mendes’e uluslararası vergi soruşturması
Portekizlilerin başını çektiği İspanyol, İrlandalı, İngiliz, Hollandalı vergi müfettişlerinden oluşan bir ekibin, ünlü menajer Jorge Mendes’in iş ilişkilerini araştırdığı ortaya çıktı.
13 November 2018 | Avrupa
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Mendes’in Beşiktaş kıskacı
Ünlü menajerin birbiri ardına Beşiktaş’a getirdiği oyuncular için kulüpten aldığı 6 milyon avro usulsüz sözleşmeler imzalanarak kazanılmış.
09 November 2018 | Türkiye
Hileli Oyun
UEFA’dan PSG ve Man City’nin fair play hilelerine örtbas, Doğu Avrupa’ya ceza üstüne ceza
02 November 2018 | Türkiye
Foul Play
The inside story of the plan for a breakaway European football league
02 November 2018 | Europe
Unfair Deal
UEFA covered up fair play frauds by billionaire-backed PSG and Man City while punishing Eastern European clubs
02 November 2018 | Europe
Football Leaks nedir?
Futbolu temizlemeye and içen John ve sızdırdığı 70 milyon belge.
02 November 2018 | Avrupa
Gypsy Kings for a Day
Baked pig, whisky, dancing and used clothes: a Roma celebration
26 September 2018 | Bistrita, Romania
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Architects of the Extreme
How urban planning in Bucharest changed from a western vision of functional housing to a sabotage of the city
07 September 2018 | Bucharest
Erdoğan: Faith and Fury
Inside the world of Turkey’s hardline president and his final grab for power. A report in collaboration with Der Spiegel
16 June 2018 | Turkey
Car parts Romania
The Captive Trap
Consulting giant Accenture promoted software showing how to boost prices of design-protected car parts
31 May 2018 | USA, France, Romania
Kağıttan Zafer
İkinci yılını dolduran AB-Türkiye mülteci anlaşması kağıt üzerinde zafer olabilir, peki ya gerçekte?
30 May 2018 | Türkiye
Dream Houses
Unfinished mansions are appearing across north Romania’s rolling fields - built by emigrants hoping to return to a better home
11 April 2018 | Romania
Raw Deal
What happened to the billions that Brussels pledged to Turkey to keep refugees out of the EU?
30 March 2018 | Turkey
No Way Out
The European Union is funding military equipment used by Turkey to stop refugees from fleeing the Syrian Civil War and entering the EU
23 March 2018 | Turkey
NO Way Out
Duvarın Ardında
Avrupa Birliği kendi fonları ile satın alınan askeri araçlarla, mültecilerin Suriye’den kaçarak Türkiye’ye sığınmasına ve Avrupa’ya ulaşmasına engel oluyor
23 March 2018 |
Gucci: Made in Switzerland
How classy Italian label and French owner used a Swiss bypass to save up to 2.5 billion Euro in tax
16 March 2018 | Lugano, Milan, Paris
Who Taxes the Wind?
Serbian Prime Minister’s former firm was part of offshore network investing in renewables in Europe and Australia
14 March 2018 | Malta, USA, Serbia
The Angolan Job
Did Sporting Lisbon's key shareholder, multimillionaire Alvaro Sobrinho, steal money from his own bank?
03 March 2018 |
Living on the Edge
The quest for a better life at the outskirts of Bucharest
05 February 2018 | Romania
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Another Fine Messi
Payments by Barcelona to Lionel Messi’s charitable foundation have come under focus by Spanish authorities
12 January 2018 | Argentina, Spain
1. Serbian refugees in Varna
Second to Last
Migrant wave through Serbia to west Europe highlights plight of Serb refugees from Yugoslav regions in 1990s
15 December 2017 | Subotica, Serbia
Photo 1 Mothers
Where have all the mothers gone?
Romania’s parents leave to work abroad in the absence of a living wage at home, and children pay the price
05 October 2017 | Liteni, Romania
The Mafia Ambassador
Recent police raids against the Camorra mafia group across Europe reveal alleged plots to traffic marijuana, cocaine and guns. But the suspects were surprising: two ex-diplomats for the United Nations
04 September 2017 | Italy
Angola: a father's gift
Outgoing president José Eduardo dos Santos gives daughter a multi-billion dollar dam contract
26 August 2017 | Luanda, Hong Kong
Erdogan, Shutterstock
Erdoğan Ailesinin Gizli Offshore Anlaşması
Malta Files, Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın ailesi ile Sıtkı Ayan ve Azeri iş adamı Mübariz Mansimov arasındaki milyon dolarlık petrol tankeri ortaklığını ortaya çıkarıyor.
26 May 2017 |
Malta Close-Up
The Boyko Report
DEEP ANALYSIS: How Fashion TV investor and Russian billionaire Oleg Boyko and his Latvian partners are using Malta as a tax haven
19 May 2017 | Malta
The End of the Line
Romanian kids abused by Italian elite at Rome Termini station
10 January 2017 | Rome, Italy
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The Football Leaks family 4: Meet the President
Millions of files in the Football Leaks dataset relate to the business of a Kazakh-Turkish family called the Arifs.For the past 25 years they have operated almost unnoticed, while building …
20 December 2016 |
Ronaldo / Javier Barbancho/El Mundo
Cristiano Ronaldo’s offshore adventures
Sport’s biggest data leak in history exposes the tax shenanigans of one of the world’s highest valued players A feature published in Der Spiegel, part of the European Investigative Collaborations …
02 December 2016 | Madrid, Spain
The Last Stigma
Ex-cons on the buzz of crime, serving time and discrimination
21 November 2016 | Milan, Bucharest
The Black Sea
Moldovan Roadtrip
I jumped in a car and journeyed through a gloomy Moldovan Autumn - without any target in mind
10 November 2016 |
Roma Camp Naples
The Neapolitan Exodus
Exploring the favelas of the Romanian Roma in Italy
08 November 2016 | Calarasi, Romania, Naples
Return of the Boyars
Locals and inheritors battle to keep ownership of village, land and forest
28 March 2016 | Nadas, Romania
The Death of the Field
A village that struggled through communism is now sold off to Italians
05 March 2016 | Dudestii Vechi, Romania
The Black Sea
The White Seagull
In the most isolated village in Romania's Danube Delta, the Russian community of Lippovans of Sfiştofca hold an annual championship in chess
18 December 2015 |
Blind man tbilisi
The Invisible Wall
Georgia's disabled strike out to achieve self-empowerment
15 December 2015 | Tbilisi
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The Timebomb
Moldova's ruling class is in turmoil - but its opposition is fiercely divided
01 December 2015 | Chisinau, Moldova
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A wedding in the sky
Shot in the revolution, pimped out and lost to heroin - a forgotten victim of Romania's uprising
16 December 2014 | Bucharest
Future olympic stadium
Ghosts of Sochi
Counting up the deaths of construction workers for Russia's Winter Olympics
10 December 2014 | Russia
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A summer journey through Moldova's ethnic Turk republic
21 October 2014 |
Unlikely Dissidents
Meeting the dedicated opponents of shale gas fracking across two continents
12 December 2013 | Poland, Romania, USA
The Black Sea
Pride and Concrete
How Romanian work migrants sacrificed the comforts of a life abroad to build the dream mansion at home
26 November 2013 |
A Black Sea journey
Mysterious, menacing, mythical and unknown - a travel story in pictures around the Black Sea
06 November 2013 |